Valley Water at Work With the Stream Maintenance Program (EA Members)

Taken from the last edition of “Employee Outreach”

Date/time posted: 06/12/08 [09:56AM]

From: Mala Magill, Ext: 2000

Re: Valley Water at work with the Stream Maintenance Program

Beginning June 16 and continuing through Oct. 15, crews in the district’s Watershed Field Operations and Vegetation Management units will work to remove 15,000-cubic yards of excess sediment from local creeks, repair and strengthen 8,000-linear feet of creek bank and manage more than 269 miles of vegetation for fire prevention, invasive species and flood protection.

This work is part of the 2008 Stream Maintenance Program, the sixth year of the 10-year program.The list includes active longer-term capital projects for the water utility and watersheds such as the Lenihan Dam outlet modification and Bollinger Road bridge replacement. Projects slated to begin within a report’s two week window will be added. Projects remain on the list until complete.As is our practice, we will mail notices of neighborhood work to the residents and businesses which benefit from the work and who also may be affected by project activities.

Click here for an online list with links to the notices. If you want more information about a particular project the neighborhood notice is the place to find it.

Click here for other Santa Clara Valley Water District Projects.

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