Nominees for Vice President of Membership – Statements

Nominees for Vice President of Membership

Danny Karnes

I have been an employee of the SCVWD since Jan. 1990 and am currently assigned to the West Valley/Lower Pen. Watershed as a Senior Maintenance Worker.   I have been an active member of EA and have the following qualifications that prepare me to serve as your Vice President of Membership:

  • Proven ability to work with a variety of employees and management to resolve issues and improve working relationships/conditions
  • Dedicated interest in servings as an Executive Board Member of EA
  • Advocate for employee rights and union membership
  • The ability to actively support and recruit members to the union

I have actively supported union activities and events through my service to various collaborative initiatives and efforts.  I have also served as a committee member on the Employee Recognition Board and various other EA Committees throughout the years.  Thank you!

Jeannette Townsend

I am Jeannette Townsend and I hope to be your next V.P. of Membership.  I have been at the District for 16 years and I currently work as a project coordinator in capital projects. I believe in past years some groups have been under-represented, and I offer a fresh face, ideas, and will work hard with the rest of the board for all of you.

In these hard times I believe it is time for the District employees to come together as a group and not to focus on the affinity groups which divides and segregates the workforce as a whole.  I believe the union should stand strong together with mutual respect for all of our needs.  I would appreciate your vote for V.P. of Membership this year.


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