February 2011 Agenda
Date: Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Location: Administration Building – B108
1. Call to Order………………………………………………………….….. Greg Gibson
2. Roll Call - Please Remember to Sign-in……………………………… Membership
3. Approval of December 2010 Meeting Minutes…………………….. Liz Bettencourt
(No meeting in January 2011)
4. Second Harvest Results Report………………………………………... Greg Gibson
5. Local 101 Officer Elections…………………………..………….……... Ingrid Bella
Yolanda Cruz, City of San Jose MEF – Candidate for President to speak
Gary Muraoka, City of Gilroy – Candidate for Vice President to speak
6. Contract Action Team (CAT) Sign-ups………………………………. Cathy Paramo
7. Representatives Update……………………………………………….. Greg Gibson
8. Bargaining Update…………………………………………..……….…. Greg Gibson
9. Motions………………………………………………………………….…. Membership
a. Request $200 to purchase annual Survey Monkey subscription.
Executive Board M/S/C: Recommends Approval
b. Request $200 to purchase AFSCME (Green) CAT Supplies.
Executive Board M/S/C: Recommends Approval
c. Approve that Local 101 delegates request the Local to fund a forensic
accountant to review the District’s financials.
Executive Board M/S/C: Recommends Approval
10. Unclassified Manager Surveys by Members……………………….. Greg Gibson
11. Q&A or Comment Cards……………………………………………… Membership
12. Good and Welfare Announcements ………….…………………… Board Members
13. Adjournment - Don’t Forget to Sign-in………………….………….. Membership