District Reponds to Early Morning Pipline Leak

Date/time posted: 07/08/08 [10:34AM]
From: Susan Siravo, Ext: 2290
Re: East pipeline leak

Valley Water crews plugged a leak in a pipeline at Norwood Avenue and White Road early this morning.

Vibrations from work on the asphalt above the pipeline yesterday may have caused a worn out air relief valve to dislodge. District crews completed the repairs by welding a steel plate over the plug at around 2:45 a.m. The system was expected to be fully operational by 4 a.m.

Water district crews closed valves near the area of the leak to isolate the leak, allowing the water pressure to be lowered enough to make repairs. The leak impacted four water delivery points, which were temporarily shut down.

San Jose Municipal Water System and San Jose Water Company were able to continue supplying water to the impacted areas using treated water storage and redistributing water throughout their systems.

Crews shut down one lane of White Road while they worked to isolate the source of the leak. The water flowing from the leak was released into nearby Norwood Creek and Babb Creek.

The district has been working closely with the retailers who deliver water to the residents and businesses. The district is coordinating with San Jose Water Company and San Jose Municipal Water System to ensure that work done to repair the leak minimizes any possible disruption in service.

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